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Privacy policy

Privacy Policy:

At, we are committed to protecting your privacy.

We collect only the necessary information to process and fulfill your orders. We do not share or sell your personal information to any third party.

The information we collect may include your name, shipping and billing address, email address, and phone number. We use this information to process your orders, communicate with you about your orders, and provide you with information about our products and promotions.

We use industry-standard security measures to protect your information from unauthorized access, disclosure, or destruction. All transactions are processed securely through our website using the latest encryption technology.

Google Analytics and Google Signals

We have enabled Google Signals in our Google Analytics account. Google Signals allows us to collect additional information for users who have turned on Ads Personalization. This enhanced measurement allows us to gain insights into cross-device behaviors and demographics but does not identify any individual user personally.

Data Collected through Google Signals

The data collected may include:

  • Age, Gender, and Interests data
  • Cross-device tracking to report on user journeys across multiple devices
  • Remarketing and retargeting lists
  • Other data that Google deems relevant for Analytics
Opting Out

If you do not wish for your data to be collected as part of Google Signals, you can opt-out by turning off the Ads Personalization setting in your Google account. Alternatively, you can opt out of Google Analytics altogether by installing the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on.

For more information about Google Signals and how Google uses data, please refer to Google's Privacy Policy at

If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policy, please contact us at our website email: [email protected].

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